Vec dugo vremena sam bio zainteresovan za konsulting poslove software inzinjera za koje treba putovati od ponedeljka do cetvrtka, i petkom se radi od kuce.
Sutra putujem u Toronto (iako je kompanija iz USA) da se nadjem sa dva menadzera, i tu ce mi objasniti sve detalje, a najverovatnije i dati konkretnu ponudu.
Svrha ovog puta je da i ja budem siguran da je ovaj novi posao nesto sto mi se svidja i da cu biti veoma zadovoljan pozicijom (tj. da necu biti razocaran i naci nesto novo nakon par meseci).
Pravim listu pitanja koja cu pitati oba menadzera i evo te liste (vecinu sam nasao na internetu). Svaki savet je dobro dosao! Narocito me zanimaju pitanja u vezi putovanja.
• What are the company’s strengths and weaknesses compared to its competition and who is the biggest competitor?
• How important does upper management consider the function of this department/position?
• What is the organization’s plan for the next three years, and how does this department fit in? (i.e. what’s in the project pipeline?)
• What is the company’s policy on providing training so employees can keep up their skills or acquire new ones? (more specifically java/j2ee certifications)
• What do you like most about this company? What’s been your best experience working at this company?
• Why is this position open?
• What are the day-to-day (and overall) responsibilities of this job?
• Can you tell me a little bit about my team and people I’ll be working with on projects?
• What kind of work can I expect to be doing the first year?
• What are the major frustrations of this job?
• Who will review my performance and how is it measured? How often?
• What’s a typical career path for this position?
• How much opportunity will I have for decision-making in my first assignment?
• When top performers leave the company why do they leave and where do they usually go?
• Now that we have talked about my qualifications, do you have any concerns about me fulfilling the responsibilities of this position?
• Which cities are good candidates for my first assignment?
• How are traveling expenses reimbursed?
• What is covered under traveling expenses?
• Who arranges flights, hotel rooms, etc?
• Do you typically book a hotel room that is a walking distance from the client’s site?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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