Tuesday, July 9, 2013

HUM 123 - Walther part 1

Social Contract: what occurred before govt
Hobbs: (Leviathan) Natural State (anarchy), Man is inherently evil, focuses on self preservation. To enhance self-preservation, ppl form govt.
Govt is suppose to guarantee NATURA RIGHTS: - life, -liberty, - property
Ruler is needed with authorized power.
Locke: Man is inherently good. State of nature=eden. Man leaves state of nature and forms govt for enhanced protection.
Divisions of labor...how societies grow out, family model...
Citizens have DUTY TO REVOLT. Govt acts upon rule of majority.
Rousseau: Man is inherently good, however becomes corrupted by others. Society/state of nature becomes bad.
'forced freedom'
In the state of nature, no one is free because of the focus on self preservation.
Freedom-one must join a social contract to minimize this freedom.
Private property increases inequalities.
Jefferson in Declaration
1) renounce individual rights and freedom in the state of nature
2) transfer individual rights to a collective body (should act on behalf of group, ppl, unit)
Plato: 3 parts of society (soul)
Flat World
Aristotel: white slavery is natural (slaves need guidance). Is it part of human nature?
Dante: Inferno
Freedom is not equal Liberty
Put rules down in order to retain rights. Treat each other as equals.
Declaration of Independence - long breakup letter (list of complaints)
How do we upkeep equality?
1-decrease pollution of wickedness in the world by doing bad
2-pius-pleases the god
Smith-founder of Mormons.
Polytheistic religion- which one you pick?
Socrates-accused of knowing what is above the stars and beneath the Earth
Thourou: No man is an island.
Civil disobedience
-breaking laws that does not cause us to go back to permanent damage/threatening lives
-not paying taxes
-blocking traffic
Alamo-war between USA & Mexico over Texas (& slavery issue)
Cheap labor at the South-from point of view f North-abolishing slavery will destroy southern economy.
John Brown (search him) - not civil - 'let's get a gun'
Church fees
Rosa Parks: She was bold before she even got old
Dr. King & Malcolm X (contrast)
protests against Vietnam War
Gandhi: by seeing the wrongs of their actions, they will change their way.
Symbolic action that draws attention
Abu Graib - leaked by accident
Final solution (SS had personal oath to Hitler)
Should we speak out? Should we be able to act with courage?