Thursday, November 1, 2007


1) Make assertions about:
- abilities
- qualities
- achievements
You write powerfull, but honest, advertising copy that makes the reader immediately perk up and realize that you are someone special.
2) The evidence section
Here you back up your assertions with evidence that you actually did what you said you did.
This is where you list and describe the jobs you have held, your education, etc. This is the stuff you are obliged to include.

Most resumes are just the evidence section, with no assertions.

The juice is in assertions section.

When a prospective employer finshes reading your resume, you want them to immediatelly reach for the phone to invite you in to interview.
You don't want just to inform the reader, you want him interesed and excited.
In fact, it is best to only hint at some things. Leave the reader wanting more. Leave them with a bit of mystery. That way they have even more reason to reach for the phone.

The assertions section usually has 2-3 sections.
In all of them, your job is to:
- communicate
- assert
- declare
that you are the best possible candidate for the job and that you are hotter than a picnic on Mercury.
You start by naming your intended job in a separate, 'Objective' section.

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